Shareit barcode
Shareit barcode

shareit barcode

Click the "Send a Custom Invitation" button to send an invite. Share with a Cheddar Up invitation: From the Share step, you can use Cheddar Up’s Message Center to type a message and add recipients to send an invitation to people to view your collection.A QR code is great to include in emails and flyers for easy access. Simply click the "Create a QR Code" button and you'll see your QR code. Share with a QR code: From the Share step, you can also quickly generate a QR code that allows you to share your collection page with your community.Whatever channels you use for normal communication with your group or community is a great way to share your unique URL). Share your unique URL: From the Share step, you can customize and copy your unique collection page URL and share it however and wherever you wish (via social media, email, text message, website, etc.Instead, you'll need to copy your unique URL and share it via your own communication channels, or send them an invitation email via Cheddar Up (with the link embedded).įrom the Share step, there are four main ways to share your collection, including: Once you've built your collection, it's time to share it! Your payers will not be able to find your collection by visiting.

Shareit barcode